Sunday 26 February 2012

#28 Pop Popcorn Without the Lid On

I'm slightly underwhelmed with this one. I was all set up with the vision of corn popping all over the kitchen. I envisioned myself knee deep in popped corn, and had even set myself about half hour of time to just clean the kitchen afterwards. Well, the evidence is in the video.

Maybe if I'm tempted to do this again I'll use a fry pan.

Tuesday 14 February 2012

#14 Eat Sushi with Chopsticks

Although it seems I'm getting off to somewhat of a slow start with my #52NewThings, I am definitely moving in the right direction. I have been quietly planning and plodding away on some of my longer-term projects - including my 100km London to Brighton, the Undersground Circle Line run, the walking of the London Marathon route and the London Capital Ring - to name just a few! I expect the pace to begin picking up.

As for today, I put a quick survey up on Facebook this morning with the hope of having a decision made about what project I would undertake today. This was voted to be eating sushi with chopsticks - so the evidence follows.

Again, not the worst experience in my life, and strangely somewhat refreshing. I am not sure I would eat a whole load of the stuff daily, but I could imagine myself eating away with a large pint of water to wash it all down.