Sunday 4 March 2012

Pounding the Pavement

Have you noticed that one of my #52NewThings is to do the London to Brighton 100k in May? I've really been building up my running over the last few weeks and continue to because I am hoping to run a significant portion of it. It's all on foot. People run it. People walk it. I hope to walk and run it! But there is a lot of sweat and tears going into this - I'm using my #26 Circle Line run as a significant training tool, as I am with plans for the #39 walking of the London Marathon route. I also hope to begin regular sections of the #25 London Capital Ring. That one is 125km in length and will take some time to complete with regular weekly runs.

I've run the London Marathon three times, so I am choosing this London to Brighton Challenge because it is truly going to be a challenge for me. I don't even know how I will cope. It is an unkown quantity. You can find more information about it at

But what I want from you now is to consider popping to the Virgin Money Giving icon on my homepage and sponsor me a few pounds, or dollars, yen, or whatever currency tickles your fancy. As you can see, I am regularly sponsoring myself £10 per month, but I don't expect anything to that extent from you. Maybe 10c or 10p per kilometre? That would work out to be a £10 or $10 donation. 5p or 5c per kilometre would be $5 or £5. Anything would be greatly appreciated.

I am undertaking this challenge, as with the rest of my #52NewThings for a small charity close to my heart - New Family Social. This small charity is there to support gay, lesbian and transexual individuals, couples and families going through the adoption and fostering process, and offers support and a network of fellow adopters and foster carers after the adoption or fostering process.

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